Brett Roburg, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, presents Shifting the conservation paradigm for streams and rivers across the Great Plains for the Monday Tech Talk - December 19, 2022
Lee Forbes, SWCA, presents Stream Restoration in Urban and Suburban Settings as Part of Watershed Flood Resiliency for the Monday Tech Talk - December 5, 2022
Matt Stahman, RES, presents "An Ecological Restoration Odyssey: Looking Back at the First Four Years of the Bois d'Arc Lake Mitigation Project" for the RiverSHARED Monday Tech Talk - Nov 21, 2022.
Joshua Gilman, Stantec, presents "If they can, then so could you: Various avoidance and minimization (inclusive of restoration) case studies" for RiverSHARED'S Monday Tech Talk - October 17, 2022.
Andrea and Greg Taillacq, Tailwaters Limited, present their work in the Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment. October 3, 2022. This presentation provides an overview of the history and practices that have led to the present-day condition of the watershed along with a proposal for moving forward into the future.