A discussion of how to unify as an industry to create an inclusive level of Stream and Wetland Corridor Ecosystem Restoration. This inclusive level would be proposed to be positioned below the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) that politicians want to see and above the Form vs. Process-Based debate that many practitioners are stuck on and that politicians see as non-sense.
A discussion about Process Nature Based Corridor Design (PNBCD) led by Ken Lai, 5 SWCA.
A continued discussion about urban stream restoration tools led by Josh Gilman, Stantec, on October 23, 2023.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads a technical discussion about the Clinton River Restoration near Rochester University.
Will Wilhelm PE, Kimley-Horn, leads a technical discussion about trends in urban stream restoration.
Mark Southerland, Tetra Tech, presents Biological Response to Stream Restoration - April 17, 2023
Gina Levesque, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, presents on the efficacy of hay bales in stream restoration. April 3, 2023.
Barbara Doll, PhD, PE, NC State University & NC Sea Grant, leads a technical discussion on innovative grade controls. March 20, 2023.
Phillip Todd, North State Environmental, leads a discussion on the importance of hiring a contractor with stream restoration experience. March 6, 2023.
Matt Kondratieff presents Response of Trout Populations and Pool Depths to Large Wood in Streams - February 27, 2023
Elli Papengelakis, PhD, Assistant Professor and Fairley Gadsby Research Chair in Fluvial Geomorphology, McMaster University, presents on February 6, 2023.