An analysis of failure mechanisms for cross-vane structures in stream restoration projects. This discussion was led by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration on September 14, 2020.
How to assess a river channel for restoration without regional curves. A discussion by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration. August 31, 2020.
Restoring streams for trout habitat discussion by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration. August 24, 2020.
Discussion about mycorrhizae to improve plant establishment for stream and ecological restoration projects. By David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration. August 17, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, considers the geomorphic evidence to deform the faith of natural channel design while cutting the fog of riverrine uncertainties. August 3, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses Beaver Dam Analog Systems (BDA). BDAs are intended to simulate natural beaver dam ecohydrological functions including modifying stream hydrology and enhancing stream-riparian hydrological connectivity. July 27, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads a brainstorming discussion about construction efficiency in stream restoration projects. July 20, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses the 2014 paper by Niezegoda, et al - SR BOK. This paper establishes a minimum level of competencies for river restoration.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, Mike Geenen & Bob Hamilton, TNC discuss a lost cost approach to stream restoration on ephemeral channels. June 29, 2020.
Dave Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, or MCDA in river restoration. MCDA is a valuable decision-making tool. It is most applicable to solving problems that are characterized as a choice among alternatives. June 22, 2020.
A discussion of USACOE Definition of Risk Analysis by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration. June 15, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses a sediment study on a reach of the North Platte river near Saratoga, Wyoming. June 8, 2020.
Natural Resources of the Housatonic River Basin near Pittsfield, Massachusetts, had been contaminated by the release of chemical waste, particularly PCBs. David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses a study of streambank erosion rates that was conducted in 2009. May 26, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses lessons learned from designing and building stream restoration projects in urban environments. Presented on May 18, 2020.
Scour is the process and result of flowing water eroding the bed and banks of a stream. David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses an assessment to protect a proposed pipeline from river scour. May 11, 2020
Calculating and delineating watersheds with QGIS and TAUDEM. A presentation by Greg Taillacq, Tailwaters Limited. May 4, 2020.
RiverSHARED is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to sharing stream restoration resources. David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stone Restoration, discusses its strategic plan and vision for the future. April 20, 2020.
Regional Curves are commonly are utilized by practitioners of natural-stream design to confirm or refute selection of the field-identified bankfull channel. Mike Geenen presents an update on building regional curves. April 6, 2020.
A discussion about the Waters of the US (WOTUS) rules or the Navigable Waters Protection Rule. March 16, 2020.
Stage Zero is the initial, pre-disturbance condition in the ‘Stream Evolution Model’ (SEM). David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses Channel Evolution Models (CEM) and designing for stage zero. March 9, 2020
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses shear stress and stream restoration designs. February 24, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses the technical aspects of terrace grading for stream restoration in both urban and natural rivers. February 10, 2020