RiverSHARED is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to sharing stream restoration resources. David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stone Restoration, discusses its strategic plan and vision for the future.
A new method of looking at Near Bank Sheerstress (NBS). Presented by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, March 2, 2020.
Presented by Greg Jennings, PhD, PE, Jennings Environmental, Asheville, NC. June 3, 2024
An inspirational presentation by Bob Sluka, a Lead Scientist with Marine and Coastal Conservation Programme. Bob’s research focuses on marine diversity conservation, plastic pollution, and fisheries in marine protected areas. May 20, 2024
Will Harman, PG, Stream Mechanics, presents Assessment and Management of Beaded Streams in the Arctic Coastal Plain. Ken Lai from SWCA Consulting will moderator the discussion.
This week’s interview will focus on Ekklesia restoration as Pastor Mwat is interviewed by Eric Crowmwell of RiverSHARED. Mwat Asedeh is a minister/missionary from Nigeria. As pastor at Stewartstown Presbyterian Church, Pastor Mwat will discuss his journey from Nigeria and Gambia to Stewwardstown, Pennsylvania.
A technical discussion continued from April 15th's presentation, “Messy Rivers are Healthy River - Wild Wonderment and Awe” by Ellen Wohl, a professor in the Department of Geosciences at Colorado State University and a University Distinguished Professor. April 22, 2024.
“ Messy Rivers are Healthy River - Wild Wonderment and Awe” by Ellen Wohl, a professor in the Department of Geosciences at Colorado State University and a University Distinguished Professor. Perceptions of river health are strongly influenced by expectations regarding a natural river. April 15, 2024.
Economic Restoration and Using Ecology as a Model for Restoration, presented by John Giordanengo, AloTerra Restoration Services, Fort Collins, CO. John is the author of “Ecosystems as Models for Restoring our Economies” published 2022. Restoration strategies are driven not simply by a passion for accomplishing successful ecological results but also by a deep understanding of soils, ecology, botany, hydrology, and the integration of these disciplines in a restoration setting. April 8, 2024.
Sue Niezgoda, PhD, PE, Gonzaga University Civil Engineering, discusses Part 2 of 2 “Beaver Dam Analogs Mimicking Nature’s Ecosystem Engineer To Improve Riverine Ecosystem”. Ken Lai, SWCA, moderated the discussion. March 18, 2024.
Sue Niezgoda, PhD, PE, Gonzaga University Civil Engineering, will discuss Part 1 of 2 “Beaver Dam Analogs Mimicking Nature’s Ecosystem Engineer To Improve Riverine Ecosystem”. Ken Lai, SWCA, will moderate the discussion. March 11, 2024.
Jordan Wirth of Liberty Ministries - Jordan deals with the messy details of human resource management for a ministry focused on providing second chances and transformational employment opportunities to help lower recidivism rates in Pennsylvania and restore the hope and lives of individuals. February 26, 2024
Discussion - Ecosystem & River Restoration industry needs that RiverSHARED can assist with. Josh Gilman, Stantec, will moderate the discussion.
Gina Levesque, President of RiverSHARED, will discuss “A SHARED vision and dream“ of the organization in 2024. Josh Allen, SWCA, will moderate the discussion.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, presents a technical discussion on Flood Mapping in Non-FEMA Mapped Communities. February 5, 2024.
This is an interview with Ajith Fernando, Teaching Director of Youth for Christ in Sri Lanka, about “Outdoor and after-school Youth training in Sri Lanka.” January 29, 2024
A continued discussion about "Stream Restoration Alternatives to Consider." From the January 22 presentation by Wade Burcham from 5020 Engineering Resource Group, Inc. from January 29, 2024
A presentation by Wade Burcham, 5020 Engineering Resource Group, Mobile, Alabama at RiverSHARED's Monday Tech Talks on January 22, 2024
Matt Kondratieff, an aquatic scientist from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, will discuss “Restoring Streams With Inmates.”
A Continued Discussion - Floodplain Management - moderated by Ken Lai, SWCA.
A discussion about the inspirational talk by Ryan North, who is a podcaster, Speaker, TBRI practitioner on “Foster Care Crisis and Hope".
The talk will be presented by Jason R. Vogel, PhD, PE, Professor, Civil Engineering and Environmental Science Director, Oklahoma Water Survey University of Oklahoma. Ken Lai from SWCA will be this week’s moderator.
Ryan North, a podcaster, speaker, TBRI practitioner, and CPG, discusses “Foster Care Crisis and Hope”.
A continued discussion about "Regional Curves to Support Stream Restoration Initiatives in Southern Ontario” from November 27, presented by Trevor Chandler, Ecoreg Solutions, Guelph, ON. Moderated by Wade Burcham, 5020 Engineering Resources Group Incorporated.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, continues a technical discussion about Regional Curves. November 27, 2023.
A technical discussion - The Answer is in the River: Regional Curves to Support Stream Restoration Initiatives in Southern Ontario by Trevor Chandler, a fluvial Geomorphologist working with Ecoreg Solutions out of Guelph, ON
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads an inspirational discussion about thankfulness ahead of the holiday season.
A Continued Discussion on - Project Management for Urban Stream Restoration & Fishing Links for Outreach & Education. Josh Allen, SWCA, will moderate the discussion.
Mike Galvin, P.E. from Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc., shares his knowledge on “Project Management for Urban Stream Restoration”. Ken Lai, SWCA, will moderate the discussion.
Presented by Lee Stuckey, AHERO. AHERO is partnering with RiverSHARED to explore the opportunity to create a guardian program near a potential “Fishing Links” in Shorter, Alabama. Lee Stuckey of AHERO will be sharing more information about AHERO
This presentation is an update and refinement of the 06-07-2021 RiverSHARED presentation. This technical discussion will bullet needs and locations for opportunities for involvement through RiverSHARED as education and outreach throughout the US and Canada at potential “Fishing Links”. The purpose of the “Fishing Links” is to connect people to wild Awe in nature using restoration projects and native ecosystems while enjoying a guided journey into nature.
This discussion includes a brief overview of a September 20th 2023 white house initiative to create local youth groups and programs to train young in conservation skills and create meaningful jobs. There is a desire to use such programs to create meaningful gatherings or urban youth focused around mentorship and sharing related to riparian corridors.
Josh Allen, SWCA, interviews Dan Clinton, PE, about his journey, excitement, hesitation, and sometimes hatred of Urban Stream Restoration projects. Dan Clinton has been in the water resource field around stream restoration, stormwater BMPs, and hard-engineered urban infrastructure since grunge music was new in the 1990s.
Eve Brantley and Mona Dominguez of the Auburn University Water Resources Center (WRC) and Alabama Water Watch (AWW), Alabama Cooperative Extension System and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. The discussion will include a dream of using existing Extension programs like 4-H to create a Youth Urban Stream training programs.
A continued discussion about urban stream restoration tools led by Josh Gilman, Stantec, on October 23, 2023.
An Interview with Andrew Wilson, Fort Collins, CO, about his experiences with youth in a talk titled “Providing hope to Youth and an Opportunity for Wonderment and Awe in Nature”. Andrew has been leading youth most of his life in both positive and negative directions you will want to hear Andrew’s story.
A discussion about Process Nature Based Corridor Design (PNBCD) led by Ken Lai, 5 SWCA.
A discussion about RiverSHARED's goals. Its first priority is to develop a training program.
A discussion of how to unify as an industry to create an inclusive level of Stream and Wetland Corridor Ecosystem Restoration. This inclusive level would be proposed to be positioned below the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) that politicians want to see and above the Form vs. Process-Based debate that many practitioners are stuck on and that politicians see as non-sense.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads a technical discussion about the Clinton River Restoration near Rochester University.
Will Wilhelm PE, Kimley-Horn, leads a technical discussion about trends in urban stream restoration.
Mark Southerland, Tetra Tech, presents Biological Response to Stream Restoration - April 17, 2023
Gina Levesque, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, presents on the efficacy of hay bales in stream restoration. April 3, 2023.
Barbara Doll, PhD, PE, NC State University & NC Sea Grant, leads a technical discussion on innovative grade controls. March 20, 2023.
Phillip Todd, North State Environmental, leads a discussion on the importance of hiring a contractor with stream restoration experience. March 6, 2023.
Matt Kondratieff presents Response of Trout Populations and Pool Depths to Large Wood in Streams - February 27, 2023
Elli Papengelakis, PhD, Assistant Professor and Fairley Gadsby Research Chair in Fluvial Geomorphology, McMaster University, presents on February 6, 2023.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads an inspirational discussion about letting go of worry and worshiping instead. July 13, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, part 2 of an inspirational discussion on the concept of grace. June 29, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads an inspirational discussion on the idea of truth vs knowledge. June 22, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, lead an inspirational talk about listening to others and being compassionate. June 8, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads a discussion about Anger and Racism in the US with an emphasis on the Pandemic. June 1, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads an inspirational discussion about freedom and if there is a cost for freedom. May 26, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads an inspirational discussion on contentment vs. complacency. May 11, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, continues the 4Cs inspirational talk with a discussion about healthy competition. May 4, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses the 4Cs - Comparison, Competition, Contentment, and Complacency. An inspirational presentation from April 20, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, gives an inspirational talk on practicing humility in our personal and professional lives. April 6, 2020.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, gave a presentation about the effectiveness of social distancing. March 16, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, gave an inspirational talk about embracing individuality and letting your personal light shine. March 9, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, gave an inspirational presentation about our professional and personal missions. March 2, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses overcoming depression and anxiety. February 24, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, presents an inspirational talk about forgiveness. February 10, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, presents an inspirational talk about living in the moment. February 3, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones, gave a presentation to inspire restoration professionals. This video discusses themes of expression - pride, hope, kindness, wisdom, anger separation, and love. January 27, 2020.
Brett Roburg, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, presents Shifting the conservation paradigm for streams and rivers across the Great Plains for the Monday Tech Talk - December 19, 2022
John Giordanengo, AltoTerra Restoration Services, discusses Ecological Succession for the inspirational talks at RiverSHARED Monday discussions.
Lee Forbes, SWCA, presents Stream Restoration in Urban and Suburban Settings as Part of Watershed Flood Resiliency for the Monday Tech Talk - December 5, 2022
Matt Stahman, RES, presents "An Ecological Restoration Odyssey: Looking Back at the First Four Years of the Bois d'Arc Lake Mitigation Project" for the RiverSHARED Monday Tech Talk - Nov 21, 2022.
Joshua Gilman, Stantec, presents "If they can, then so could you: Various avoidance and minimization (inclusive of restoration) case studies" for RiverSHARED'S Monday Tech Talk - October 17, 2022.
Andrea and Greg Taillacq, Tailwaters Limited, present their work in the Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment. October 3, 2022. This presentation provides an overview of the history and practices that have led to the present-day condition of the watershed along with a proposal for moving forward into the future.
A stream habitat investigation by Matt Kondratief, Colorado Parks & Wildlife. Presented on March 3, 2021.
An analysis of failure mechanisms for cross-vane structures in stream restoration projects. This discussion was led by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration on September 14, 2020.
How to assess a river channel for restoration without regional curves. A discussion by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration. August 31, 2020.
Restoring streams for trout habitat discussion by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration. August 24, 2020.
Discussion about mycorrhizae to improve plant establishment for stream and ecological restoration projects. By David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration. August 17, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, considers the geomorphic evidence to deform the faith of natural channel design while cutting the fog of riverrine uncertainties. August 3, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses Beaver Dam Analog Systems (BDA). BDAs are intended to simulate natural beaver dam ecohydrological functions including modifying stream hydrology and enhancing stream-riparian hydrological connectivity. July 27, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, leads a brainstorming discussion about construction efficiency in stream restoration projects. July 20, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses the 2014 paper by Niezegoda, et al - SR BOK. This paper establishes a minimum level of competencies for river restoration.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, Mike Geenen & Bob Hamilton, TNC discuss a lost cost approach to stream restoration on ephemeral channels. June 29, 2020.
Dave Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, or MCDA in river restoration. MCDA is a valuable decision-making tool. It is most applicable to solving problems that are characterized as a choice among alternatives. June 22, 2020.
A discussion of USACOE Definition of Risk Analysis by David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration. June 15, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses a sediment study on a reach of the North Platte river near Saratoga, Wyoming. June 8, 2020.
Natural Resources of the Housatonic River Basin near Pittsfield, Massachusetts, had been contaminated by the release of chemical waste, particularly PCBs. David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses a study of streambank erosion rates that was conducted in 2009. May 26, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses lessons learned from designing and building stream restoration projects in urban environments. Presented on May 18, 2020.
Scour is the process and result of flowing water eroding the bed and banks of a stream. David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses an assessment to protect a proposed pipeline from river scour. May 11, 2020
Calculating and delineating watersheds with QGIS and TAUDEM. A presentation by Greg Taillacq, Tailwaters Limited. May 4, 2020.
RiverSHARED is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to sharing stream restoration resources. David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stone Restoration, discusses its strategic plan and vision for the future. April 20, 2020.
Regional Curves are commonly are utilized by practitioners of natural-stream design to confirm or refute selection of the field-identified bankfull channel. Mike Geenen presents an update on building regional curves. April 6, 2020.
A discussion about the Waters of the US (WOTUS) rules or the Navigable Waters Protection Rule. March 16, 2020.
Stage Zero is the initial, pre-disturbance condition in the ‘Stream Evolution Model’ (SEM). David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses Channel Evolution Models (CEM) and designing for stage zero. March 9, 2020
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses shear stress and stream restoration designs. February 24, 2020.
David Bidelspach, 5 Smooth Stones Restoration, discusses the technical aspects of terrace grading for stream restoration in both urban and natural rivers. February 10, 2020