AS-3 Geomorphic Survey and Intro to FGM and RiverMorph


Location: Online Pre-recorded
Seat Hours: 4 (0.25 Credit)
Date of Availability: (Classes will be available February 19th)

Cost: $200* (*Optional on-demand assistance for an additional cost)

Instructors: Multiple Instructors with 5-30 years of experience working with Rivers

 This course is the optional technical support course for RAC-3.  It is strongly suggested that a participant understands the content of this course before the participant engages in RAC-3.   The course includes access to a shared Dropbox, example files, a delayed chat season, and access to on-call assistance for an additional cost. The course topics include but are not limited to intermediate regional curves, a continuation of FGM, river features, river process, ecosystem services, geomorphic survey, RiverMorph and more.

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