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Stream Quantification Tool Field Camp

  • RiverSHARED 754 Mount Mahogany Livermore, CO 80536 United States (map)

Hosted by Stream Mechanics
Register Here

Location: Milwaukee, WI

This course is for individuals who have taken the Stream Functions Pyramid Workshop and want further training on how to collect and enter field data into the Stream Quantification Tool (SQT). Three out of five full days will be spent collecting field data using both the rapid and detailed methods. One and a half days (plus an evening) will be spent processing the field data, entering it into the SQT, and playing with functional lift and loss scenarios. A review of the SQT and key metrics will be provided during the first half of day one.

This is an intense course. It is designed for scientists and engineers who plan to use the SQT on future projects. Most days will be spent in the field regardless of weather conditions (unless the conditions are unsafe). One evening will be spent processing data. And the course doesn't end until 5:00p on Friday. If you've had the pyramid course and like adventure, this course is for you. Here is a general overview of the week.

Day 1 - Rapid Assessment of Impacted Stream Reaches

Day 2 - Detailed Assessment of a Reference Stream

Day 3 - Classroom Day: Process and enter data into SQT. Play with scenarios

Day 4 - Detailed Assessment of a Restored Site. Process data and enter into SQT.

Day 5 - Rapid Assessment of a Restored Site. Process data and enter into SQT.

September 9

Stream Functions Pyramid and Quantification Tool Workshop (In-Person)

February 3

River Restoration Northwest