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Debit Calculator

  • RiverSHARED 754 Mount Mahogany Livermore, CO 80536 United States (map)

Hosted by Stream Mechanics
Register Here

Location: Madison, WI

Workshop Description: The Debit Calculator and Stream Mitigation Workshop is targeted toward public and private entities who complete permit applications for stream impacts (e.g., DOTs and private consulting firms).

The course provides attendees with a mix of classroom instruction, data collection and processing, and an overview of stream mitigation policy used by the host state. The field component includes the rapid stream assessment method to assess degraded and reference-condition sites. The classroom portion then uses the Debit Calculator to predict the functional loss based on a variety of impact scenarios. Participants will learn how to collect data, process the data, enter field values into the Debit Calculator, and then calculate functional loss. These methods will help practitioners regardless of the SQT and Debit Calculator that they use, i.e., it is applicable to all states using a Debit Calculator. The mitigation policy portion of the workshop will focus on the state hosting the workshop.

Prerequisite: This course is only offered to participants who have already taken the Stream Functions Pyramid and Quantification Tool Workshop.

Sample Agenda

Day 1: Review key concepts/metrics and rapid site assessment of a degraded stream.

Day 2: Process rapid data and complete second site assessment of a reference-condition stream.

Day 3: Process field data, model functional loss scenarios, and discuss mitigation procedures.

Who Should Attend: This is an advanced course designed for regulators, scientists, and engineers who have completed the Stream Functions Pyramid and Quantification Tool Workshop and plan to use the Debit Calculator in the field or to review project submittals.

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